While I was searching out on a topic for my blog, I stumbled upon one topic which i`m to explain now. Today I shall talk about my Diary Writing Habit.
When I was 7-9 years old, I used to scribble a lot on paper using a pen or a pencil and then proudly show off that piece to my father. He in return asked me the meaning of the scribblings and as usual, I had no answers. Then came the adolescence age, I was in love with my pens and would go on to any extent to buy a new pen, eventhough I had a millions in my study-table drawers. From that time till today, I still have this habit and I love it. I enjoy working with my writing instruments ie my ball pens, fountain pens, gel pens, HB pencils, mechanical pencils, etc. You can imagine my love by one simple example: one my maiden foreign trip to China I bought myself a diary and 5-6 pens, I went for shopping and that’s what I could fine for myself. Even today, writing instruments and its accessories still tempt.
Well coming onto the main topic now. Once before the start of summer holidays, English subject homework was to write a diary each day and record the happenings of the day and your thoughts about it. I, as a obedient student which I still believe I am till date, started this homework from day one eventhough reluctantly. It soon became a habit and I started enjoying it. Summer vacations ended and school opened again, I still pursued that habit. As soon as I entered my senior secondary school, due to the studies and its related pressures the habit could not be continued but still I wrote my diary twice or thrice in a week. Then I entered engineering college and since there was not much of studies pressure, I again went towards it, but this time the frequency was low & sort of not-interested. But one fine day I was inspired by one of my friends to take this habit again and I was writing my diary again, and this time too it lasted not too long.
Now I write a different diary. Well the feelings, content, thoughts are same, the only thing that has changed is the Diary Page. Now I simply answer four questions, instead of mentioning my entire day`s activities. The answer to these four questions, summarizes my day`s productivity and my feelings. The four questions are:
§ Today I feel………..
§ Today I have learnt…………
§ Today i`m proud of…………
§ Today I commit to improve…………..
Well folks these are those prized four questions. These four questions, are the result of a workshop I attended. It was good workshop and i`m still following the mantras taught in that workshop. So, every night I just sit down on my study table, open this diary and write it with a different pen, as I told you I enjoy my writing instruments therefore this new pen tempts me to use it and that thing motivates me to write that diary. This diary is very special to me and I started answering these questions on 9th May 2010 and till date I answer these questions.
In the end, i`d like to say that one must write diary, it helps in self-analysis. One can see his/her productivity through out the day, how was the day, what major happened in that day in his/her life, etc. It is like a physical record of the days happenings.
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